Marketing doesn't need to be confusing.

We help people engage with their audiences.

Under Our Umbrella

SEO, PPC & auditing

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Marketing to be proud of

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What We Do

Maple54 connects individuals and businesses with their audience, helping to build proactive, responsive communities of highly engaged people. We dive deep into your data to find where the opportunities for growth really are.

Who we are

Our team is small, but highly motivated. We are not a conventional marketing agency - we bust open the mould to ensure that we achieve the best results possible. From our experience, the best integration of marketing into a company comes from within - paying agencies huge retainers doesn't pay off in the long run.

Where we are

We are based in Sussex on the south coast - mainly serving the people of East and West Sussex. We believe in keeping our focus small in order to offer the best service possible to our clients.

Our Services

Search Engine Optimisation

We consult on search engine optimisation (SEO) methods to improve your organic google ranking, allowing your content to do the hard work for you.


We have extensive experience of managing and optimising Google adwords accounts in order to maximise your return on investment. We take the time to learn about your business in order to find avenues to new customers to expand your appeal, as well as tightening the focus on your current strategies.

Bespoke Audits

We can construct extensive audits into your current performance - in order to assess what is going well, and where there is room for improvement.

Marketing to Shout About

We take great pride in our work. We don't see the point in taking on a client unless we are going to be able to make a profound difference to their marketing impact. We want to forge lasting relationships between ourselves, our clients and their customers.

Get in Touch

Send us an email, or start a whatsapp conversation - we'd love to hear from you. We are available for on site visits to meet face to face, if that is your preference.

Frequently Asked Questions

We are selective about our clients - we don't just take anyone on board. It is vital to us to work with like minded companies who put their customer first and know the value of long term planning. We believe in synergy between ourselves and our clients. The best results come when we work cohesively as a team.

Our services are bespoke to you - Email Us to get a quote. But as an example, a complete audit of your company and all of it's channels could cost several thousand pounds. We have the ability to break this down into modules and prioritise areas you'd like to optimise first and tackle it incrementally. Costs increase depending on the complexity of your business and what you are looking to achieve.

This all depends on the strategy. Our approach is to forge lasting returns on investment - this can take time, but it results in larger gains in the long run. Depending on your current set up, we could find immediate ways we can boost your revenue right off the bat. If you already have an established and well set up marketing strategy, the gains would potentially be made over a longer period of time as we develop different strategies for growth and expansion.